NEA taking the past into the future


All NEA announcements shown on our News and Events page are also posted to the NEADiscuss listerv via To learn more or to join see our listserv information page.

  • 2020-10-18 2:17 PM | Julia Callahan

    Apply for one of New England Archivists' three awards to support members in their professional development and activities: 

    Richard W. Hale, Jr., Professional Development Award
    The Hale Award is given annually by NEA to promote the professional development of archivists in the region. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award.

    Richard L. Haas Records Management Award
    The Haas Award is given annually by NEA in support of a project that promotes increased cooperation, understanding, and knowledge between the archival and records management professions. Applicants need not be a member of NEA to receive this award. 

    Audio/Visual Professional Development Award
    The A/V Award is given annually by NEA to promote the professional development of members in the areas of moving image, recorded sound, and time-based media. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. 

    NEA invites applicants for each, as well as NEA members to serve on the committees to help review them. Applications for all three awards and supporting documentation must be submitted to the NEA Representatives-at-Large ( by Monday, February 15th, 2021.

  • 2020-10-16 8:40 PM | Anonymous

    2020-09-10 10:21 AM | Julia Callahan

    The New England Archivists (NEA) is dedicated to cultivating membership, participation, and leadership that reflect the broad diversity of our region and our profession. Inclusion and diversity are core organizational values at the heart of the NEA’s mission. The Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) strives to build and maintain an inclusive and equitable professional environment where differences of opinion, beliefs, and values are not only sought and listened to, but also respected and valued. You can learn more about the IDC’s work here:

    The IDC is currently seeking to fill several roles to continue our work:

    Joining the IDC is a great way to get involved with NEA. Students and new professionals are particularly welcome to apply. We look forward to working with you!

    Questions? Contact us:

  • 2020-09-16 11:50 AM | Julia Callahan

    Archives for a Changing World

    The Spring 2021 Program Committee would like to announce an extension of the deadline for the spring meeting's call for proposals. The new deadline for session proposals is October 16, 2020. We hope that the extended deadline will allow our members to further connect, share ideas, and contribute to a successful spring conference!

    New England Archivists (NEA) invites submissions of session proposals for our Virtual Spring 2021 Meeting, to be held remotely the week of March 22-27, 2021.

    The deadline for proposals is now October 16, 2020.

    Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the associated uncertainties, we have decided to move the in-person spring meeting to an entirely virtual format.

    The Spring 2021 Meeting theme, Archives for a Changing World, was inspired by the resiliency of the archives community. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to the demands of unexpected challenges and innovate solutions that build a stronger, more inclusive community. Let us seize this moment to examine and explore the ingenuity, the resourcefulness, and the curiosity that we as archives professionals bring to a world in a seemingly constant state of flux.

    The Spring 2021 Program Committee invites proposals on all topics but is especially interested in the following:

    • Anti-racism
    • Crisis management
    • Climate change
    • Social justice
    • Labor practices/professional responsibilities
    • Managing remote work
    • Rapid response collecting
    • Managing change
    • Professional ethics
    • Self-care

    First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, and BIPOC are encouraged to apply.

    A Note about the Remote Format

    Many details of the remote nature of the conference are still in the planning stages. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Program Committee chair ( or the Inclusion and Diversity Committee ( with any questions or concerns you may have.

    Possible Session Types

    Sessions are not limited to those listed below, and we encourage proposals with creative session formats.

    Standard Presentations

    Two or three speakers present on a common theme. May include a moderator to steer discussion and/or introduce speakers and theme.

    Open Forum

    Topical discussion with moderator leading discussion with everyone in attendance. May include additional moderator(s) to direct breakout conversations.

    Roundtable Discussion

    Three or four participants make very brief remarks, then discuss a topic together. Includes a moderator to steer discussion.


    Each presentation consists of 20 slides or images displayed for 20 seconds each, with comment, and lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Highest number of presenters possible is 12, fewer if leaving time for questions.

    Lightning Talks

    Like PechaKucha, but without a set format. May or may not include slides or images. Presentations may be from 3 to 10 minutes long, with number of presenters depending on time allotted for each.


    Moderator announces the topic, and two other people debate.


    If you have an idea for a virtual session not outlined here, let us know!

    Note: Presenters are expected to have access to an internet connection, a computer with a microphone and camera, and the ability to access the virtual conference platform (to be determined).

    For more ideas on successful conference sessions, see these links:


    To facilitate collaboration, the Spring 2021 Program Committee has created a space for NEA members to develop session proposals together.

    Please use this space to connect with your colleagues about potential session topics and formats. This collaborative space will be accessible until the deadline for proposals, October 16, 2020.

    Proposal Submission

    To submit a proposal, complete this form.

    Please note that proposed sessions involving fewer than three presenters and/or covering overlapping topics may be grouped together.

    All submissions will be acknowledged by the Program Committee. If your proposal is selected, your acknowledgment will include instructions about next steps. All presenters are required to register for the conference upon acceptance, at the early-bird rate.

    Accessibility and Code of Conduct

    NEA is committed to making the Spring 2021 Meeting welcoming and accessible to all presenters and attendees. Presenters are encouraged to ensure that their presentations meet current accessibility guidelines. Presenters are also required to abide by the NEA Code of Conduct, which can be found here:

    If you will need specific accommodations, such as interpretive services, to support your participation in this event, please contact the program chair.


    Scholarships are available through NEA to facilitate participation for those in need. Details about criteria and how to apply will be shared via the listserv and on the NEA website prior to the application period opening.

    Please see the following pages for specific details on past scholarship requirements:

    Meeting and travel assistance:
    Student member meeting and travel assistance:
    Inclusion and diversity session scholarship:

    Questions? Please contact the Program Committee Chair, Rachel Jirka, at

  • 2020-09-11 4:48 PM | Julia Callahan

    Whether you are an experienced archivist looking to connect with peers or a new professional hoping to build your resume, New England Archivists has volunteer openings that will give you new skills and networking opportunities! Consider applying for the position of Vendor Coordinator.

    The Vendor Coordinator’s responsibilities include: attending Executive Board Meetings and the Annual Business Meeting; working with vendors to solicit donations and support; maintaining contact with members of the board to determine sponsorship opportunities; maintaining a vendor database; soliciting newsletter advertising; and invoicing vendors. A complete job description is at:

    Interested NEA members may contact Linda Hocking at by September 28, 2020. Volunteers should provide a brief statement of interest and experience so that the board may consider their candidacy.

  • 2020-09-10 10:21 AM | Julia Callahan

    The New England Archivists (NEA) is dedicated to cultivating membership, participation, and leadership that reflect the broad diversity of our region and our profession. Inclusion and diversity are core organizational values at the heart of the NEA’s mission. The Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) strives to build and maintain an inclusive and equitable professional environment where differences of opinion, beliefs, and values are not only sought and listened to, but also respected and valued. You can learn more about the IDC’s work here:

    The IDC is currently seeking to fill several roles to continue our work:

    Joining the IDC is a great way to get involved with NEA. Students and new professionals are particularly welcome to apply. We look forward to working with you!

    Questions? Contact us:

  • 2020-09-03 5:06 PM | Anonymous

    Archives for a Changing World

    New England Archivists (NEA) invites submissions of session proposals for our Virtual Spring 2021 Meeting, to be held remotely the week of March 22-27, 2021.

    The deadline for proposals is September 18, 2020.

    Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the associated uncertainties, we have decided to move the in-person spring meeting to an entirely virtual format.

    The Spring 2021 Meeting theme, Archives for a Changing World, was inspired by the resiliency of the archives community. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to the demands of unexpected challenges and innovate solutions that build a stronger, more inclusive community. Let us seize this moment to examine and explore the ingenuity, the resourcefulness, and the curiosity that we as archives professionals bring to a world in a seemingly constant state of flux. 

    The Spring 2021 Program Committee invites proposals on all topics but is especially interested in the following:

    • Anti-racism
    • Crisis management
    • Climate change
    • Social justice
    • Labor practices/professional responsibilities
    • Managing remote work
    • Rapid response collecting 
    • Managing change
    • Professional ethics 
    • Self-care

    First-time presenters, current graduate students, early-career professionals, and BIPOC are encouraged to apply.

    A Note about the Remote Format

    Many details of the remote nature of the conference are still in the planning stages. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Program Committee chair ( or the Inclusion and Diversity Committee ( with any questions or concerns you may have.

    Possible Session Types

    Sessions are not limited to those listed below, and we encourage proposals with creative session formats..

    Standard Presentations

    Two or three speakers present on a common theme. May include a moderator to steer discussion and/or introduce speakers and theme.

    Open Forum

    Topical discussion with moderator leading discussion with everyone in attendance. May include additional moderator(s) to direct breakout conversations.

    Roundtable Discussion

    Three or four participants make very brief remarks, then discuss a topic together. Includes a moderator to steer discussion.


    Each presentation consists of 20 slides or images displayed for 20 seconds each, with comment, and lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Highest number of presenters possible is 12, fewer if leaving time for questions.

    Lightning Talks

    Like PechaKucha, but without a set format. May or may not include slides or images.. Presentations may be from 3 to 10 minutes long, with number of presenters depending on time allotted for each..


    Moderator announces the topic, and two other people debate.


    If you have an idea for a virtual session not outlined here, let us know!

    NotePresenters are expected to have access to an internet connection, a computer with a microphone and camera, and the ability to access the virtual conference platform (to be determined).

    For more ideas on successful conference sessions, see these links:


    To facilitate collaboration, the Spring 2021 Program Committee has created a space for NEA members to develop session proposals together.

    Please use this space to connect with your colleagues about potential session topics and formats. This collaborative space will be accessible until the deadline for proposals, September 18, 2020..

    Proposal Submission

    To submit a proposal, complete this form.

    Please note that proposed sessions involving fewer than three presenters and/or covering overlapping topics may be grouped together.

    All submissions will be acknowledged by the Program Committee. If your proposal is selected, your acknowledgment will include instructions about next steps. All presenters are required to register for the conference upon acceptance, at the early-bird rate.

    Accessibility and Code of Conduct

    NEA is committed to making the Spring 2021 Meeting welcoming and accessible to all presenters and attendees. Presenters are encouraged to ensure that their presentations meet current accessibility guidelines. Presenters are also required to abide by the NEA Code of Conduct, which can be found here:

    If you will need specific accommodations, such as interpretive services, to support your participation in this event, please contact the program chair.


    Scholarships are available through NEA to facilitate participation for those in need. Details about criteria and how to apply will be shared via the listserv and on the NEA website prior to the application period opening. 

    Please see the following pages for specific details on past scholarship requirements:

    Meeting and travel assistance:

    Student member meeting and travel assistance:

    Inclusion and diversity session scholarship:

    Questions? Please contact the Program Committee Chair, Rachel Jirka, at

  • 2020-08-19 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    New England Archivists’ Communications Committee, charged with promoting NEA news, events, activities, and opportunities to archivists and information professionals in New England and the broader region, is seeking a Web Content Manager.

    Responsibilities of the Web Content Manager include:

    • Maintaining and editing content on all permanent and long-standing pages on the NEA website.
    • Working with Web Administrator and Communications Committee Chair to keep the website updated and relevant with, e.g., announcements and information about events and activities.
    • Managing updates and changes to the website content requested by the NEA board and committees.
    • Coordinating with NEA content providers and with other members of the Communications Committee, including the Copy Editor, the Web Administrator, and the Chair, in fulfilling these duties.

    The person in this position will serve on the Communications Committee for a three-year term. Some experience with HTML is preferred. Familiarity with the administrative or back end of websites, blogging platforms, or the like is also useful.

    To volunteer, please send a letter of interest and resume/CV to the Chair of the Communications Committee, Henry Caiazzo (

  • 2020-07-13 10:26 AM | Anonymous

    Elizabeth Joan Kelly will join us for a Q&A session on her article: "Assessing Impact of Medium-Size Institution Digital Cultural Heritage on Wikimedia Projects."

    Read the article and join us to discuss implementing Wikimedia projects and increasing use of our collections.

    Article link:

    Author: Elizabeth Joan Kelly, M.M., M.S.L.I.S.
    Digital Programs Coordinator, Loyola University New Orleans, she/hers.

    The event will be moderated by Nicole Besseghir of the NEA Education Committee via Zoom on July 28th from 1-2 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Zoom info will be distributed to registered attendees prior to the event.

    Registration Link:

    For questions or concerns about accessibility and/or disability accommodations please contact NEA’s Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator co-chairs Rosemary Davis and Rose Oliveira at for assistance.

    Questions about registration? Please contact NEA's Registrar, David Read at

  • 2020-06-06 1:35 PM | Anonymous

    Black Lives Matter. Archivists must do better. 
    Statement from the New England Archivists Board
    June 6, 2020

    The Executive Board of the New England Archivists (NEA) unequivocally states that Black Lives Matter. We condemn the police brutality that violently ended the lives of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, and innumerable others. We condemn the racist individuals and corrupt systems that continually inflict violence and death upon people of color like Ahmaud Arbery and Nina Pop. We recognize that the history of the United States--and the history of so many archival collections that we steward--is rooted in slavery, genocide, and oppression. We stand in solidarity with all Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color (BIPOC), as well as their communities.

    We acknowledge not only that structural racism exists, but specifically that archivists and archival work have played a role in perpetuating many oppressive systems. We recognize that archivists can be agents for change, but that reparative and diversity-focused efforts cannot be the sole responsibility of our BIPOC colleagues. Anti-racist actions must be taken by all archivists. NEA affirms its commitment to cultivating a more inclusive archival profession: one that values and preserves the evidence of human experiences, while also working to dismantle damaging archival practices that compound historical erasure and harm. 

    While the current political and social climates are immensely challenging for most of us, to Black Americans and people of color, these circumstances are yet another deadly escalation in a history full of hateful violence. We hope that NEA can serve as a source of opportunities for serious introspection, positive actions, and continued professional engagement that prioritizes the lives, experiences, and safety of BIPOC.

    To that end, the NEA Inclusion and Diversity Committee has compiled a list of readings, resources, and guidelines to support all of us in learning how we can work towards a more just society and more transparent, accountable archival practices. Included in this list are ideas for specific actions archivists can take in our work to create a truly representative historical record and provide better access to collections for all.

    Archivists must apply a critical lens to the work we do, identifying the power and privilege informing so many of our practices. In the coming days, the NEA board will develop concrete action items: progressive steps both to improve equity within our own organization and to assist our members in deconstructing oppressive environments within their workplaces. Likewise, we encourage our members to share resources they have found helpful, and to participate in ongoing dialogues about race, justice, and oppression. Discussing these issues and taking thoughtful action is the way forward. Silence is complicit.

    In solidarity,
    The New England Archivists Executive Board

  • 2020-06-04 10:32 AM | Anonymous

    Statement to NEA Membership → June 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has destabilized the lives of countless people worldwide, including archival workers. Many of us have lost our jobs, been furloughed, had our hours cut, or lost access to healthcare and childcare. In light of these circumstances, the Society of American Archivists (SAA) established the Archival Workers Emergency Fund (AWEF), a mutual aid fund that provides financial support to archival workers who have experienced acute economic hardship related to COVID-19. 

    NEA believes strongly in the AWEF’s mission to support archival workers regardless of educational attainment or job status, and we stand in solidarity with all archival workers who have been affected by the pandemic. We are proud to join many colleagues across the country in supporting this crucial fund. On Monday, June 1, 2020, the New England Archivists donated $2,000 to the AWEF.  

    This donation money comes from unused scholarships originally allocated to fund travel to the NEA Spring 2020 Meeting. Although this money could not fulfill its original purpose, it can still provide critically important support to those in need. These are financially uncertain times for many people and professional organizations, and we believe it is our duty to stand with our colleagues by giving what we can. 

    NEA wishes to extend special gratitude to all the individuals who worked to bring the AWEF into existence and whose continuing efforts help ensure that all funds raised make their way to individuals in need. Now more than ever, it is important that we advocate for the most vulnerable members of our professional community. NEA plans to continue our work promoting salary transparency and raising awareness about the impacts of overreliance on temporary and contingent labor in our field. 

    As always, we welcome any suggestions and ideas about how we can best support archivists in our region during these difficult times. And we encourage each of you to donate to the AWEF if you are able, or to apply for a grant if you are in need. 

    Stay safe and take care!

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