As an all volunteer-run organization, member involvement is essential to NEA’s success, and opportunities for participation abound. There are many committees, offices, and projects that need assistance from members. Whether you’re interested in light involvement or a longer term commitment, there are many ways you can contribute to this vibrant community.
Here are just a few ways you can get involved:NEA thrives because our volunteers offer their time, perspective, experience, and energy to serve the needs of our community. Serving with NEA is also a fantastic way to expand your professional network, strengthen your resume, and build new skills such as program planning, marketing, and managing finances.
Interested in learning more? See our open positions below or contact the NEA Representatives-at-large at to get involved.
If you’re interested in the below positions with the Program Committee, please contact incoming President Douglas Doe.
Term: Spring 2025-June 2026 (approximately 1 year, starting as soon as approved) with attendance at Quarterly Board meetings expected.
The NEA Executive Board is seeking 1-2 leaders to shape our Spring 2026 meeting, a two-day meeting of archival workers and students which will be held March 20-21, 2026, in Portland, Maine. If you’re passionate about creating inclusive, welcoming, and informative spaces for our community and are eager to shape NEA’s future, this is a great way to get involved! As a program co-chair, you will lead a program committee to develop a program for the meeting and handle logistical arrangements. In this role, you’ll collaborate with the Board, meeting coordinator, standing committee chairs, and your committee members to develop a vision for the Spring 2026 meeting and bring that vision to life.
Expressions of interest will be gratefully accepted until the role is filled.
Help shape our next Spring meeting! Under the leadership of the Program Committee Co-chairs, these positions will be involved in all aspects of planning and meeting development for the Spring 2025 Meeting in Springfield, Massachusetts. Members will also hold key roles during the meeting itself to ensure the smooth running of the program. Term: 1 year (July 2024 - July 2025).
The program committee will be formed by the chair(s) once those positions have been filled, but we welcome any expressions of interest prior to that point.
If you are interested in any of the below positions with the Education Committee, contact chair Alison Fulmer. To learn more about the work of the committee and the responsibilities of the open positions, please read this PDF document.
Term: May 2025-May 2028 (3 years)
Join the Education Committee! Responsibilities for the member position include planning workshops and webinars—which can be done from the comfort of your home virtually—liaising with members to determine their education needs, and possibly serving as a day-of workshop representative at the NEA annual meetings. It is a fun, easy way to build your resume! Time commitment is usually less than ten hours a month, including an hour-long monthly member meeting.
Term: May 2025-May 2026 (1 year)
Are you a student looking to explore professional engagement? If so, consider joining the Education Committee! Responsibilities for the student member position include supporting workshop and webinar planning, attending an hour-long monthly member meeting, and may include contributing to the NEA newsletter on behalf of the Education Committee and contributing to day-of support of workshops at the NEA annual meetings.
If you are interested in any of the below positions with the Membership Committee, contact chair Brittany Fox. To learn more about the work of the committee and the responsibilities of the open positions, please read this PDF document.
Term: 2 year position. Starts immediately.
The resume review coordinator(s) will facilitate connections between reviewers & reviewees. They will create and monitor reviewee signup surveys, check their membership status, determine available reviewers, and act as liaisons between the two parties. The individual(s) will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with another coordinator, if possible. The Membership Committee will support the efforts of creating training materials for reviewers to be distributed either asynchronously or in a professional development workshop. The coordinator(s) will act as the point person to address any issues that may arise. It would be their responsibility to ensure that no specific reviewer receives a disproportionate amount of submissions to review.
Term: 1 year position. March 2025-March 2026
Help NEA grow and connect with our membership! This role assists the committee with recruiting new members to NEA, retaining current members, and supporting members by providing access to membership information. This position also contributes to outreach efforts and other activities of the Membership Committee. The committee member will also meet with the Membership Committee virtually on a monthly or bimonthly basis and contribute to ad hoc emails.
If you are interested in the below position with the Financial Planning Committee, contact Chair Jess Farrell and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Sean Parke. To learn more about the work of the committee and the responsibilities of the open position, please read this PDF document.
Term: Vice Chair: March 2025 =-March 2026; Chair: April 2026-March 2027 (2 years)
The Financial Planning Committee (FPC) assists and supports the work of the treasurer and treasurer-elect, including annual budgeting. They also support the Board’s short- and long-term strategic plans for ensuring NEA's ongoing fiscal responsibility and sustainability. The vice chair attends monthly FPC meetings, takes on occasional coordination action items, may help set the monthly agenda and FPC’s work plan, and serves as chair in their 2nd year.
If you are interested in any of the below positions with the Newsletter Committee, contact co-chairs Sally Blanchard-O’Brien or Jenifer Ishee. To learn more about the work of the committee and the responsibilities of the open positions, please read this PDF document.
Term: July 2025-July 2028 (3 years)
The news & notes editor solicits news, updates, and announcements about NEA membership and regional repositories for inclusion in the NEA Newsletter. Works with the committee to prepare newsletter issues for publication and distribution and rotates with other committee members to take the lead on editing issues. Has potential to lead into a co-chair position.
Term: July 2025-July 2028 (3 years)
The reviews editor solicits reviews of tools, software, training, and educational opportunities written by NEA members for inclusion in the NEA Newsletter. Works with the committee to prepare newsletter issues for publication and distribution and rotates with other committee members to take the lead on editing issues. Has potential to lead into a co-chair position.
NEA is launching a new task force to study NEA’s current meeting structure, identify areas of opportunity and concern, and suggest improvements to strengthen our offerings to the membership. No previous NEA experience is required for any of these roles, and we welcome all perspectives in this process. If you are interested in any of the below positions, contact incoming Immediate Past President Jeanne Lowrey.
Term: April 2025-April 2027
The chair(s) will be responsible for organizing and running the task force, holding regular meetings, maintaining working files, and archiving permanent records, including final recommendations. They will be the primary point of contact between the committee and the NEA Executive Board, and will be expected to provide regular reports and attend quarterly Board meetings.
Term: April 2025-April 2027
Members will actively participate in the work of the task force at the direction of the chair(s), attending regular meetings, contributing to asynchronous committee work, and collaboratively crafting final recommendations. Members will have the opportunity to serve as liaisons to engage the entire organizational leadership in the work of the task force. These roles are described below, with assignments determined by the chair(s) and the task force once it forms. If you have a particular area of interest, please let us know, but it is not required to express interest in joining the task force!